we&us } 6A'ohnine ; Th One and only(:
! WELOVE ♥ 6A(:
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hey...SMS here to SMS again...

are u guyz ready for tomoro???
actually wanted to only let Mrs Lee noe tis Blog tomoro..
But dunno y SHE knew so soon...
but i dun tink tat she knows the Party B4 tomoro..
as u can see in the ShoutMix..
But is a 50%50%...
coz she said haha...maybe pretending innocent...
Nvm...jus remember to Enjoy urself tomoro...
it's our Last Teacher's Day Celebration 4 Mrs Lee!!!
Must Let her Enjoy as much as Possible....
Try not to Let her ANGRY tomoro...
Must HAPPY...lol =P
Alr...its quite Late...
Time to say Bye...
tink-ki will update the FUNS tat we gonna have tomoro,tomoro...
its abit confuse...haha
Mrs Lee<33,must ENJOY!!!

SMS sended By SMS

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Hiee 6A-rians <3

Hello 6A - rians .
ALVINA here !
Okkays , everybody ready for the TCD party ?
I hope .
Cos 6A has been really , really hardworking for this Prelim .
We did not bad , not bad .
Applause !
And ....
Everybody please continue to keep the secret as a secret .
You guys shud now what I mean (:
Anw , JIAYOUS for derh coming PSLE !
6A rawk on forever !



Friday, August 14, 2009


Huiwen sign-e in...Er..bout tat suggestion u said sheng...well u should ask de boys..cause they r de one which{of course}didnt contibute much!N boys we told ur to come into this blog is not for u to chat in shoutmix...is for ur to post tings for tr's day suggestion n watsoever...N maybe can ask james to be de mc?or er..sms?

gtg guys tat's all for today!

sign-e off,

Thursday, August 13, 2009

SMS is here to SMS??lol...:P

now only noe some proggrames...
Joel & Lexuan may be DANCING??
thn MC may be SYAHMI??tats COOL(:
when cher coming in to classroom,pop!!(duno wat thing)
still havent dedicate SONG sia...):
try to tink some yea??thxs=D

on tat day,31 august,which is monday
10.00 for us to prepare...
around 10.30...start:D~woots~
thn duno wat time end...tink will have quite lotz FUN yea??
we are deciding whether shud we have 1 or 2 MC??
actually decided 2..JOEL & SYAHMI
but joel dancing...so cant):
any suggestion??in tagboard thxs^_^

post more & tag more to keep this blog ALIVE yea??
Billion Thxs=D

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

こんにちは Konichiwa!!~~~~~ It Doreen Here!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~So sad that today's meeting did not go well......:((| i wish that everyone will work together so that the party will be a successful one 'kays????Then we will all work hard together to achieve high score for PSLE 'kays???!!!!

Signing off!!!~~~Sayonara さようなら!!!~~~
Doreen Ting ドリーン

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Someone !! Anonymous

Here are some things to make this blog more ...

Glitter Text
Make your own Glitter Graphics

Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com
Make your Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com

Halo again :p

Halo People !!
I am back !!
Okkays , you see that shoutmix over there ?
That wan I make wan <33333
I hope nice enough .
If not nice , please KINDLY give your suggestions at the shoutmix .
Thanks a million !!

Tata ,

Huiwen here!

Thx for saying tat Koh!How do u find tis blogskin?Nice??Ok well....come to real business{when i say real i mean real ok?}Erm..countin down to tr's day er..let's see er...oopsy my calendar gt prob cant find it but nvm....Let's just wish Mrs lee a happy tr's day!6a rox!

sign-e off,
huiwen aka S.O.C


Alvina here !
Welcome to 6A's Class Blog !
And this blogskin is totally not copyrighted !
It is made by Hui wen and her cousin !!
Thanks !!<3
Anyway , I maybe going to update the shoutmix and the hit counter and some games !!
Okkkays , buh bye 6A-rians !!

Tata ,