we&us } 6A'ohnine ; Th One and only(:
! WELOVE ♥ 6A(:
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Posting ~

Hello people !
Alvina is here to update cos this blog is like so dead ?
So , me and Doreen actually planned a class party , thru MSN :D
Dont ask me when , cos I also dunno yet :p
Me and Doreen just suggested a few places ,
Like :
[!] Party World KTV ( Civic Centre )
[!] Wild Wild Wet ( I forgot whr :p )
[!] I forgot le ; I have short term memory !
So , you guys suggest something in the cbox yeah ?
Not too far hor ~
Cos some of us cnnt make it .
And suggest some dates too ;x
Okkays ?

* FYI , we suggested this party cos we missed 6A too much ):
Hols just started but I alr start to miss 6A like hell ~
Haishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !

Guys , someone please update this bloggie too ~
You all noe the passwords !
If dont know , ask me or any ppl thru MSN .
Add me in : hiilo_kitty@hotmail.com !
Dun prank me -.-
Hohoho , 6A !
How you all spent your hols ?
I spent by playing comp and playing badminton everyday .
Sad ~
Someone please jio me out , go play badminton or go slack !
I rotting at home ;x
Please !
And , what skus you all going ?
I tell you all mine first :D
I got 215 only ):
So I can only go :
[1] Woodlands Ring Secondary Sku
[2] Woodgrove Secondary Sku
[3] Christ Church Secondary Sku
[4] Orchid Park Secondary Sku
[5] Admiralty Secondary Sku
[6] Greenridge Secondary Sku
Hu going same sku as me ?
Tell me in MSN or just post in this blog , kkays ?
I wan someone pei me , otherwise I very lonely in tht sku ):
Haishh , just came back to post some things to prevent this blog from rotting !!
Post more , 6A people :]
Okkays , gtg !
Buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiis people !
I love die you all ! <3
我爱你们 !
난 당신의 모든 사랑 해요!
