we&us } 6A'ohnine ; Th One and only(:
! WELOVE ♥ 6A(:
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Who de heck is askin for chio girl?so花吃!btw how's every1 copin with their sch?my sch ic like so strict sia...n stupid rules like de color of de specs n watch must be black...eva heard of tat?n de canteen food is so ''DELICIOUS''!other then tat de rest is quite ok...oh i almost forget...our sch for pe must run 3km outside de sch in 19min...haiz...

sign-e off,

Friday, January 22, 2010
Who got the top in PSLE marks

who got the top need to know and whoose school has the most chio girl please post

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hiee!!!! Doreen here!!! back to revive the blog!! hehehe..... miss Fuchun and 6A!!!! dont like my school!! =( i wanna go back Fuchun!!!!!!!WRS kinda suckz..... haha....that school not good one.. =.= Mr Zahrul say i can be the prefect when i go to sec school but dont have!!! arrggh... =( sad.... I MISS U MRS LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna go back.... =( *sob sob* i dont like my class..... the person sitting beside me keep laughing not matter wat my teacher say!! ==! i wan change place... ='( anyone going back for CNY celebration???? me,Jia Jie,Alvina and Hui Wen going back!!! see u guys soon! bye!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥